finally created my website. it's not perfect but it's working, yeay!
if you were wondering (...and I hope you were :) where to buy gogogo stuff, there are some pieces being sold at Lyttleton market on Saturday, 9 am - 1 pm.
I will be busy making more and putting them on the website in November.
10/13/2010 10:17:15 pm

My son loves his hat, the material is really durable and funky! Good luck

2/10/2011 07:04:57 am

I love the clothes you make! They are original and different, yet practical and stylish. Easy to wash, even all the merino just goes with the rest of the clothes - it's great!

The hats are amazing and I love the little sleeveless tops for girls. They're so smart looking and yet for everyday.

Your clothes make perfect presents as they are different and everyone always asks me where I got them from.

Thanks and I will definitely buy again.


5/28/2011 04:37:05 pm

Hi there, jsut saw some of your stuff and friends place and am gutted I didn't make it to the market at Linwood. Are you still at the Lyttleton Market?



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